Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Scale says the 215.0 but...

I feel like my middle is shrinking.  According to the scale, I still weigh exactly the same as yesterday.  It is a little disappointing not to the see the scale go down but I know this is a journey of plateaus and drop offs.  It wouldn't be a shock tomorrow if I weighed 2lbs less than today. 

I woke up this morning with out my head feeling like it was spinning.  My energy levels actually have not fallen off and I am contemplating working out in the next day or so.  Of course I had food thoughts driving into work especially Mexican food.  I don't know why Mexican food because in Georgia there isn't such a thing as good Mexican food.  It is all exactly the same here and that makes me miss Arizona.

In my office I have an adjusting instrument called the Arthrostim.  I use it to stimulate the mechanoreceptors that are around the spine.  When the mechanoreceptors are being stimulated, they send signals to the brain that everything is fine.  When something happens and those signals are interupted the body has another group of nerve endings called Nociceptors that kick in and start sending signals to the brain.  However, when the brain gets the signals from the nociceptors the body starts to go into a state of stress.  One of the hormones that the body releases when stress affects your digestion.  It is important to be checked out by a chiropractor when doing any type of weight loss program.

Heres to a healthy day and a little willpower...

Dr Don

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