Friday, January 21, 2011

Still Going In the Right Direction

208.2 lbs.  Very exciting!  Last night as I was about to fall asleep, I could feel my stomach sinking in.  You might not understand what I mean but usually when I lay on my back it always felt like my stomach was still extended. 

One of the biggest change right now is the lack of desire to overeat.  I still want foods but now I am stopping halfway through my meal instead of forcing it all down.  Nothing feels as good as skinny at least so I was told.

Dr Don

PS:  Extremely crazy week but next week I believe things will be back in order and I will keep my blog updated

Monday, January 17, 2011

Under 210!

Its been a crazy weekend for me; both personally and in business.  We had a major ice/snow storm in Atlanta that locked the town down for a week.  However, things are starting to get back to normal.  I stepped on the scale this morning - 209.6!  Thats down from the original 220.6 on January 2nd.  I feel like the weight is starting to come off in areas that matter so its exciting.  I can't wait for the next couple of weeks to hit my goals!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Already lost over 7 pounds in 4 days!

Yesterday the scale didn't budge :(     However, from my previous experiences I knew it would make up for it the next day and it did!  213.4 was the weight this morning which is very encouraging and highly motivating. 

One of the things I've noticed is my increase in energy.  I've been expecting to go home after work and just wanting to crash but I've had a hard time going to sleep because I'm not tired.  So tonight when I get home, I plan on doing a small weight lifting session to burn off any glycogen that is being stored and to promote a better nights rest. 

Granted I'm not totally off caffeine but I am weening myself today and for the next 3 days.  I'm praying the dreaded caffeine headaches don't last too long.

I've had cravings when I think about food but its worse in the mornings until I eat lunch.  For the last few days at lunch I've been eating shrimp, broccoli and some fruit.  It ties me over until dinner which I have steak or chicken, vegetable and an apple or orange.  So there is no weird food or exotic food that you haven't heard of, in fact, I'm saving money by not eating out and buying snacks!

This really isn't that hard to do.  On the willpower scale of 1-10 I'm using willpower of 5 and if I can do it than anyone can.

Thanks for checking it out have a great day!

Dr Don

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Scale says the 215.0 but...

I feel like my middle is shrinking.  According to the scale, I still weigh exactly the same as yesterday.  It is a little disappointing not to the see the scale go down but I know this is a journey of plateaus and drop offs.  It wouldn't be a shock tomorrow if I weighed 2lbs less than today. 

I woke up this morning with out my head feeling like it was spinning.  My energy levels actually have not fallen off and I am contemplating working out in the next day or so.  Of course I had food thoughts driving into work especially Mexican food.  I don't know why Mexican food because in Georgia there isn't such a thing as good Mexican food.  It is all exactly the same here and that makes me miss Arizona.

In my office I have an adjusting instrument called the Arthrostim.  I use it to stimulate the mechanoreceptors that are around the spine.  When the mechanoreceptors are being stimulated, they send signals to the brain that everything is fine.  When something happens and those signals are interupted the body has another group of nerve endings called Nociceptors that kick in and start sending signals to the brain.  However, when the brain gets the signals from the nociceptors the body starts to go into a state of stress.  One of the hormones that the body releases when stress affects your digestion.  It is important to be checked out by a chiropractor when doing any type of weight loss program.

Heres to a healthy day and a little willpower...

Dr Don

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wow! Already lost 5 1/2 lbs

Technically this is day 5 but in reality the first two days of the weight loss program are called "loading days".  On "loading days", I ate as much as I wanted to and drank as much Coca Cola as I wanted.  I had pizza and ice cream, popcorn and candy.  The idea behind that is to increase the amount of ready fat in your body. 

That was Friday and Saturday...

On Sunday, I started the program and weighed 220.6 lbs.  This morning (I'm careful to weigh myself everyday at the same time) I weighed 215.0.  I know a lot of the weight right now is "water" weight but it still has to come off.  The "water" weight is caused by your body having inflammation from the acidic and simple carb base diet that I've been living on.  I look forward to next week when its all gone and my joints don't hurt or ache.  One thing that I'm dreading is the caffeine withdrawal headaches.  I'm weaning myself off caffeine now but I can feel that they are almost ready to come on. 

But 5 1/2 pounds in two days ... I'll take it.  Nothing taste better than being skinny or so I heard.

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3rd

I did very well yesterday with just a few cravings especially when my son sat down next to me with a big chocolate sundae with whip cream. 

When I woke this morning I could tell the energy level was a little lower than normal and it will be a little bit of a transition from running on simple carbs to burning the fat.  I am looking forward to my joints to stop aching as the inflammation leaves. 

Yesterday I ate a Mahi fillet, cabbage and an apple for lunch and a chicken breast, cabbage and an orange for dinner.

This morning I dropped 2 pounds and now weigh 218.6.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 3 (Actually the first hard day)

So I weighed myself this morning and I tipped the scales at 220.6 pounds.  After a quick trip to the grocery store, I stocked up on some meat, fruit and vegys.  The hardest part I believe will be the purging of caffeine from my body.  I usually don't do well without caffeine as it leaves me with a solid headache for up to 10 days. 

Anyway, here it goes...